Call Us: 623-263-0044

"When it comes to wealth accumulation, following the herd is NOT a strategy!"

Scott Worthington, CEO Redrock Wealth Strategies

Protect Your Family's Wealth and Your Future...

** Who we are... **

To the point, we think differently. Traditional vehicles for retirement savings are littered with strings attached, unknown tax liabilities and penalties when accessed, and market volatility. Yet the masses blindly follow the conventional approach only to find out they are in for a rude awakening at retirement. Our senior advisors set out to "Find a Better Way," and that's precisely what we did. The following points are embedded in the core of our strategy.

  • Grow and protect your wealth using structured products with our Wealth Momentum StrategyTM

  • Increase Rate of return (with reduced risk and reduced taxes)

  • Reduce (or eliminate) the portfolio drags of fees. taxes, withdrawals, and lost opportunity costs.

"After years of research, we concluded there isn't a "Perfect" asset. The GOOD news is that some assets have more of these attributes than other assets. The GREAT news is that there is an asset that has the most of these attributes - though it may be different for savers and investors."

~ Michael Morrow, CEO, AXIOS Wealth Strategies ~


Complete access to your funds when you need it most.


No risk of loss due to market volatility.

Backed by some of the most financially sound institutions in the US.

Creditor protection in most states.


Minimal or no fees in some cases


Unlimited upside potential


No taxes on accumulation

No taxes on withdrawals

No taxes on distributions to your heirs

Our Process:

  • Discovery: During our initial meeting we gather information on where you have been financially, where you are now and where you would like to go. Our goal is not to SELL anything. Our goal is to educate our clients so they can make an informed decision.

  • Plan Design: Once equipped with the information we need and have determined between you and our consultants that this is something that would fit into your portfolio, we will design a road map showing step by step how we, in tandem with your goals, would set out to put you in a MUCH better position financially.

  • Plan Discussion: With all parties involved, we will present our solution to you and your financial team. This is where we invite the hard questions so we can make sure you are in complete understanding of our approach.

  • Plan Implementation: Loaded with all the information provided and an affirmative decision on our clients part, we will mobilize our back office to lay out a schedule for the implementation. This would include any 3rd parties you requested to be part of the process. We will work with your financial team to make sure this is a smooth process for all involved.

  • Plan Updates: We feel it is important that we keep the lines of communication open with our clients. This would include at a minimum of one annual review meeting to go over the performance metrics of the strategy and to suggest any modifications we would recommend based on macro economic factors.

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© Copyright 2024. Desert Shield Insurance Agency LLC., DBA Redrock Wealth Strategies

